Orkest de Ereprijs: Concert Stichting Kamermuziek Almelo

January 12, 2025
Almelo (NL)
Kapelzaal, Hof 88
Google Map

On the 12th January 2025 Mikel Fernández will be the guest conductor with the renown Orkest de Ereprijs, an ensemble specialized in modern and newly written music. From this season 2024-2025 on Mikel Fernández will work as a regular guest with de Ereprijs, after a succesful debut last season.


Isak Bjon Hedlund -Dots
Vanessa Lann – Distant Trinity
Dominy Clements – Ere HW
Piet Jan van Rossum – Aardhand
Klas Torstensson – Synopsis
Nicoline Soeter – Organism
Rebecca Galian – Giallo Jan